The best time to get a massage depends on your goals for the massage, your schedule and lifestyle, the body’s natural rhythms, and more. Read on and let us help you decide when you should schedule your massage appointment. 


Have you decided to start treating yourself to a regular massage session but are still trying to determine the best time to schedule your appointment? Should you go first thing in the morning before work, during your break, or wait until the evening or before bed?

While there isn’t a fast rule that works for everyone, figuring out the best time for you can enhance the potential benefits of the massage and help you avoid missed appointments. So, how do you go about choosing the best time to get a massage?

Today, we’ll answer that question and more as we discuss determining which time works best for you and looking at the factors to consider when deciding. Let’s dive right in!

Best Time to Get a Massage


Before diving into the best time of the day to get a massage, let’s answer the question, “Is there a best time to get a massage?” The truth is, any time of the day will benefit you. That said, just as different types of massage therapy relieve different conditions, massages at various times of day can help you in other ways.

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all time of day for getting a massage. However, as a rule of thumb, it’s best to schedule a massage during your least busy time of day so you can be present and relax. Ideally, you wouldn’t have to hop in the car and stress about a work meeting or pick up your child from school immediately after the session.

Choosing the Optimal Time Based on Your Goals

Your decision about the optimal time to get a massage mainly depends on what you want to gain from the appointment. Do you want to increase energy levels throughout the day, or are you seeking to address specific issues such as stress, muscle pain, or insomnia? Allow us to explore how to choose the optimal time based on your goals.

Relaxation vs. Energizing


Among the most popular benefits of massage therapy are relaxation and rejuvenation. However, whether your massage puts you in a state of relaxation or increases your energy levels depends on the timing of your massage.

If you have a busy lifestyle and seek relaxation after a long day of work and family commitments, an evening or before-bed massage can help you relax your body and mind. On the other hand, a morning or afternoon massage can increase your energy levels and help you face the day.

Addressing specific issues

While relaxation and rejuvenation are more than enough reasons to get a massage, the treatment can do more than that. You can schedule a massage to address specific issues, such as stress, muscle pain, or insomnia.

However, knowing when to schedule the massage can maximize the effects of the massage in tackling such issues. Specifically, for:

  1. Stress aim to schedule an evening massage as it tends to relieve the physical and mental stress accumulated during the day. Alternatively, you can also get such a stress-relieving experience from an afternoon massage (ideally after work).
  2. Muscle pain you can aim for an evening massage as well. This is especially beneficial if you have a job that puts a strain on your muscles. If you experience muscle soreness and pain after exercising, a post-workout massage can bring the comfort you need.
  3. Insomnia the best time to get the relaxing benefits of a massage is late evening or before going to bed. This way, the massage can force the body to relax, thus breaking the cycle of insomnia or lack of sleep.

Different Times When You Can Get a Massage

Let us explore the different times you can get a massage and how each can benefit you.

Morning massages


Starting your day with a massage can help set a positive tone and help you face the complexities of a dynamic life. Moreover, with the world still quiet, taking some time for yourself in the morning can allow you to give your body and mind the peace it deserves.

As science has proven that a massage can help decrease inflammation, lower blood pressure, and reduce stress, scheduling it in the morning will help you kickstart the day more energized, relaxed, and generally happier.

Afternoon massages

If your job is intense and there are days you need a break, then an afternoon massage can help you reach your health goals while also optimizing your brain’s capacities to excel at work.

Afternoon massages are the perfect way to boost your energy so you can finish out your day with productivity and ease. While our bodies naturally have a boost of energy and productivity in the afternoon, a massage at this time of day can enhance these effects.

Evening massages

As you complete your workday and take care of other commitments, what better way to unplug and unwind than a relaxing massage in the evening?

An evening massage can help you de-stress and prepare for the next day, creating the perfect opportunity to calm down and sleep with ease. It can also help blood pressure and reduce muscle soreness, allowing you to reap the full benefits of a massage.

After-workout massages

Do you lead a more physically active life or exercise regularly? A post-exercise massage helps with the muscle recovery process and can minimize the effect of uncomfortable conditions like Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS).

As you exercise, you can put too much stress on the muscles, which can result in inflammation. A post-workout massage can help offset inflammation symptoms like pain.

A post-workout massage also increases circulation and blood flow, helping bring oxygen to the muscles and flush out toxins/byproducts.

Before bed massages

With the qualms of the day over, a before-bed massage can help you relieve the stress of the day, helping you wake up the next day more relaxed and at peace. Scheduling a massage session before ending the day can significantly impact sleep quality by reducing anxiety and physical discomfort.

It also impacts sleep quality by reducing cortisol levels, the body’s stress hormone, and increasing serotonin and dopamine levels. And as the brain uses serotonin to make melatonin, you can experience a healthier sleep-wake cycle.

Factors to Consider When Scheduling a Massage

It is a known fact that massage therapy can profoundly impact overall health and wellness.

However, since no individual’s schedule and lifestyle are alike, the best time to get a massage depends on various factors. Below we will explain factors to consider when determining the best time for a massage.

Personal schedule and lifestyle


A key factor to consider when deciding on a massage schedule is your personal schedule and the type of lifestyle you lead.

You must take into account things like work, school, errands, and family obligations to ensure you make the appointment at a time that works for you and, as such, enjoy the session.

Therefore, try to schedule your massage appointments during the time of day when you’re least busy. Doing so keeps your mind from wandering while you’re trying to relax and gives you at least an hour to practice self-care to reap the benefits of your massage.

If you lead a busier life, this may mean that the best time for you to get a massage is during the evening after work.

Body’s natural rhythms

Another component to consider before scheduling a massage is to look inward, specifically be aware of your body’s natural rhythms or circadian rhythm. Being aware of your energy level for different parts of your day can help you understand and determine when is the best time to get a massage.

For instance, in the early hours of the morning, when light enters your eyes, the brain stops producing melatonin, the hormone that helps you sleep. Therefore, you should feel more energized and alert. If you don’t feel as energized in the morning, then a morning massage can increase energy levels and help you face the day.

On the other hand, in the evening, melatonin secretion starts, lowering your energy levels and helping you prepare for sleep. Therefore, an evening or before-bed massage can help you relax and unwind, improving sleep quality. A massage in the latter part of the day can be especially beneficial if you struggle with insomnia and overall sleep quality.

Therapist’s recommendations

While no one knows your body better than you, you may not have all the information you need to make an informed decision about which part of the day works best for you. Therefore, you need the help of an expert such as a massage therapist, to determine the best time for your massage. A massage therapist can assess your massage goals and needs and your daily commitments to figure out which part of the day can help you make the most out of your massage.


All in all, regardless of the time of the day, a massage will still be effective. Whether you choose to wake up relaxed, recharge in the afternoon, or wind down in the evening, you can enjoy a massage at any time of the day. However, choose a time that best suits your goals, schedule, and body’s natural rhythms to make the most of your appointment.

If you want to learn more about the best time to get a massage, make an appointment at our Holistic Wellness Center and experience the life-changing benefits of massage therapy firsthand! We have flexible hours to accommodate your busy schedule!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

What is the recommended time for a massage session?

The recommended time of day for a massage session depends on your specific goals, schedule, lifestyle, and body’s natural rhythms. Therefore, before scheduling an appointment, consult with a massage therapist to determine the best time for your massage.

When not to do a massage?

While most people can experience great relaxation and health benefits from massage therapy, there are times when a massage may not be the right choice. Some of the conditions that contraindicate massage include intoxication, acute injury, colds or flu, uncontrolled hypertension, pregnancy, blood clots, kidney or liver conditions, fever, severe osteoporosis, etc.

Should you get a massage before or after dinner?

You can get a massage either before or after dinner. However, if you go after dinner, allow your food to digest one to two hours before heading over. On the other hand, if you go before dinner, eat at least a small snack beforehand.